皮肤病学 治疗 and 服务

We provide consultation and therapy for diseases of the skin, 头发, 指甲, and adjacent mucous membranes (genitalia and mouth). Our dermatologists treat a wide range of dermatological conditions.

In particular, we specialize in the following dermatology services:

  • 接触性皮炎: Treatment of allergic reactions, 比如湿疹, due to direct skin contact with potential irritants or allergens
  • Cosmetic dermatology: 服务 to help you achieve healthy, beautiful skin at every stage of your life
  • Cutaneous lymphoma: Treatment for cancers of lymphocytes (type of white blood cells) that involve the skin
  • 皮肤病学-rheumatology clinic: Comprehensive care for patients with autoimmune skin and joint disease
  • Down syndrome dermatology clinic: The only clinic offering specialty care for Down Syndrome patients in the country.
  • 性别服务: Laser 头发 removal for 多毛症 and before gender transition surgery. We also offer treatment for acne and 头发 loss related to hormonal treatments for transgender patients.
  • Hair disorders and 头发 loss: Treatment for conditions that affect the scalp and other 头发-bearing areas of the body
  • Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) clinic: Treatment for patients with HS, an inflammatory skin disorder
  • High-risk skin cancer: A specialty care clinic designed for patients at higher risk of developing skin cancers
  • Immunobullous disease clinic: A clinic that provides specialty care for blistering skin conditions
  • Pediatric dermatology: Providing treatment for pediatric skin conditions
  • Phototherapy and photodynamic therapy: Using specific types of light treatment to treat skin conditions
  • Psychocutaneous medicine: A clinic that combines the expertise of skin-directed treatments from dermatology along with pharmacologic and behavioral therapies
  • Skin cancer care (Mohs surgery): A highly specialized procedure for the removal of skin cancer. It is especially useful in tumors that are difficult to remove because of body site or tumor growth pattern (including tumors that have recurred).
  • Vulvar dermatoses clinic: A clinic that specializes in the care of skin disorders of the vulva, including lichen simplex chronicus, 地衣sclerosus, 还有扁平地衣