After Bariatric Surgery

After your procedure, you will spend a couple of hours in the recovery area, where our specialized recovery nurses will carefully monitor you while the anesthesia wears off. If you experience any pain, nausea or discomfort, your nurse will be there to help you.

We will help you get out of bed and start moving as soon as safely possible. This helps reduce the risk of developing blood clots and breathing issues. You might wake up with a dry mouth and a raspy voice after any type of operation. You may feel thirsty. Be sure to ask your care team before eating or drinking anything.

Your diet after bariatric surgery

You will need to give your stomach a few days to heal and can expect to be on a liquid diet for several weeks after your procedure.


The length of your hospital stay depends on the procedure you have, your overall health, and your surgical outcomes. Most bariatric surgery patients spend 1 to 2 nights in the hospital.

在你离开之前, your weight loss surgeon will evaluate you to ensure you are well enough to go home. Our discharge team will provide you with detailed instructions about your diet and care of your surgical site.


当你回家时, you will be on a full liquid diet until you meet with our dietitian to advance your diet. You should be able to get up and move around without much difficulty. You will lose weight quickly over the first 3 to 6 months. During this time, you might have body aches, feel tired, or experience skin and hair changes. Changes in your mood can also happen. As your body gets used to your weight loss and your weight becomes stable, these issues should subside. Because of this quick weight loss, you will need to be careful that you get all of the nutrition and vitamins you need as you recover.

After bariatric surgery support groups

In the weeks and months following surgery, we offer virtual support groups for those who have had surgery. Networking with others who are experiencing similar lifestyle changes can be very helpful in one’s weight loss journey. 病人 can use the support group time to share current challenges and learn how others address similar issues. A registered dietitian is always present to facilitate conversation and help answer questions.

2023 monthly informational topics

Pre-registration is required for all meetings. To receive a link to the Webex meeting, please call 603-695-2870 选项1. These dates are subject to change without notice.

日期 主题 Time
Tuesday, March 19, 2024 心理学 by Weight & 健康 下午五点半至七点半
Tuesday, April 16, 2024 Hospital Experience 下午五点半至七点半
Tuesday, May 21, 2024 Nutrition by Elliot RD 下午五点半至七点半
Tuesday, June 18, 2024 心理学 下午五点半至七点半
Tuesday, July 16, 2024 按体重运动 & 健康 下午五点半至七点半
Tuesday, August 20, 2024 Nutrition by Elliot RD 下午五点半至七点半
Tuesday, September 19, 2024 心理学 下午五点半至七点半
Tuesday, October 15, 2024 Hospital Experience 下午五点半至七点半
Tuesday, November 19, 2024 Nutrition by Elliot RD 下午五点半至七点半
Tuesday, December 17, 2024 Topic of choice by Weight & 健康 下午五点半至七点半