
我们的专家团队治疗脑下垂体和中枢神经系统出现的各种疾病和失调. 这些肿瘤可引起头痛、荷尔蒙失衡和视觉障碍等症状.

We offer a range of services,包括放射学评估和神经外科解决方案.

Conditions we treat

We treat the following types of conditions:

Pituitary tumors

Pituitary tumors include hormonally active tumors, non-functioning (silent) tumors, and thyrotoph secreting tumors:

  • Hormonally active tumors produce large amounts of normal hormones. They include:
    • Acromegaly, which is 由分泌生长激素的垂体瘤引起的. 肢端肥大症可引起儿童巨人症或成人从头痛到面部和足部肿大的症状.
    • Cushing's disease, 由于微腺瘤(一种小的垂体瘤)和促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)过量,肾上腺产生过多的皮质醇。
    • Prolactinoma, which is the most common hormone-producing tumor. 催乳素瘤会产生过量的一种叫做 prolactin.
  • Non-functioning tumors (无症状的肿瘤)是最常见的垂体腺瘤(在腺体组织中形成的良性肿瘤)。. They produce little or no amounts of hormones. Typically, 这些肿瘤一直生长,直到它们的体积开始压迫周围的结构并引起症状. 症状包括双颞偏盲(两侧视力丧失), hypopituitarism (not enough pituitary hormones), and headache.
  • Thyrotroph secreting tumors 是一种罕见的肿瘤,分泌促甲状腺激素TSH(促甲状腺激素). They include recurrent tumors, which are 治疗后复发的脑垂体肿瘤,以及 pituitary carcinomas, which are rare, malignant pituitary tumors. Pituitary carcinoma account for 0.1 to 0.2% of all thyrotroph secreting tumors.

Pituitary dysfunction


  • Diabetes insipidus这是由于肾脏无法保存水分造成的. 这会导致尿频和明显的口渴.
  • Growth hormone deficiency这是由于脑下垂体没有产生足够的人类生长激素造成的. 儿童时期生长激素过少会导致儿童生长发育低于正常水平.
  • Male hypogonadism, 哪一种是由男性睾丸不能产生正常水平的男性性激素引起的, testosterone. 有些男性天生就患有性腺功能减退症,而另一些人则可能在晚年患上这种疾病.
  • Hypothyroidism (excess thyroid hormones), 当甲状腺分泌的激素少于身体所需时,会发生什么
  • Hypoadrenalism (Addison's disease), 当肾上腺不能产生足够的身体正常工作所需的激素时,会发生什么. This affects the balance of water, sodium, and potassium in the body, 还会损害人体控制血压和应对压力的能力.

Other conditions and tumors


  • Craniopharyngiomas, which are benign tumors that develop near the pituitary gland
  • Meningiomas它可以发生在脑垂体附近,通常是良性的
  • Optic gliomas, which are 起源于并生长于大脑内并压迫视神经和附近结构的肿瘤. 要了解更多关于这些类型的肿瘤,请参阅 optic glioma topic on the MedlinePlus website.
  • Rathke's cleft cysts/pituitary cysts, 哪些是罕见的良性囊肿,当囊肿变大时可能引起头痛和视力障碍等症状

Our services

我们在联合神经内分泌诊所提供门诊评估, 在那里你可以同时接受神经外科医生和内分泌学家的评估.

Radiologic evaluations

Our complete neuroradiological evaluations include:

Neurosurgical services


  • Transsphenoidal microneurosurgery 是目前治疗垂体瘤最常见的外科手术吗. 这是一种通过鼻子切除脑下垂体肿瘤的微创外科手术. 通过这种手术,肿瘤可以被切除,同时正常的脑垂体得到保护.
  • Transcranial microneurosurgery is generally reserved for very large tumors.



  • Operative microscope
  • Computer-guided navigational system
  • 神经内窥镜(附在刚性或柔性内窥镜上的小照相机)

神经外科和放射肿瘤学团队进行基于线性加速器的放射外科手术, 通过固定在你头骨上的金属框架,精确定位辐射束.

下岩窦取样可采用放射套件, 一种测量垂体静脉中促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)水平的测试.


我们定期召开神经内分泌会议,在神经外科医生在场的情况下为您讨论治疗方案, endocrinologists, neuro-oncologists, radiologists, and radiation oncologists.